WorldCom Wireless |
WorldCom offers
flexible rate plans, the ability to migrate through those plans,
no charge for a number change, national rate offerings, the
largest continuous national coverage area, no penalty for
relocating anywhere in the U.S., and easy-to-read bills with no
charge for detailed billing. WorldCom has standard, regional,
and national plans for every budget, every type of user.
All plans include Caller ID, Call Waiting, Three-Way Calling,
and Basic Voice Mail. Other options vary by plan.
Cingular Wireless |
nationwide long distance charge…ever. Expression made effortless.
Cingular has plans that make customizing your cellular service
easy. Depending on whether you stay close to home or travel, how
many minutes you need per month, and what your budget allows,
there is a plan for you: Cingular Home Plans, Region Plans, or
Nation Plans. Sign up for Family Talk and share minutes and
value with up to 4 phones. And with all Cingular calling plans,
you never pay nationwide long distance charges!
All plans include Nationwide Long Distance, Caller ID, Call
Waiting, Three-Way Calling*, and Basic Voice Mail*. Other
additional options available.
*Available upon request.
Information From: Cingular Wireless LLC RTP BR P 0102 0042 E.) |
Sprint PCS |
The Clear
Alternative to Prepaid!
Less-than-perfect credit is no problem with Sprint PCS! You can
choose any Sprint PCS Service Plan, any Sprint PCS Phone, and
any options. For most customers, no deposit is required! Sprint
PCS also “makes wireless crystal clear.” Sprint PCS has the only
all-digital, all-PCS nationwide network built from the ground up
for clear calling and information.
Choose a Sprint PCS Free & Clear Plan if you use your phone
primarily for wireless calling. Long distance is available on
most service plans
Choose a Sprint PCS Total Digital ConnectionsSM Plan
with nationwide long distance, Sprint PCS Wireless Web and
Sprint PCS Voice Command included at no additional charge. Use
your minutes however you want.
All plans include clear calls, Voicemail, Caller ID, and Call
Waiting. (Additional charge for Call Forwarding.) Other
additional options available.
Information From: Sprint PCS LIT2829, LIT13087A and CMIAOCT01) |